Happy New Year!


Have a very safe and a very Happy New Year! Bestcarwreckinfo.com has been in existence for one year now. Thank you for coming to my site and posting your comments.

I hope everyone has a very safe evening tonight. Please do not drink and drive! I know you hear it all of the time, however tonight is probably the worst night for DUIs (DWIs or whatever you call them in your neck of the woods). If you drive drunk and you get caught, you can expect it to cost around $10,000 or more in legal fees, court costs and your insurance rates will go up as well. You may get arrested and this offense will show up on your public record for future employers to see.  You probably will not qualify for a job that requires driving again.

Now if you don’t get caught by the police, but end up hitting someone because you decided to drive while intoxicated, then I can only imagine the pain the victim will have, and the guilt you will feel for a long time. Also, you can end up seriously hurting or killing yourself. So please, just don’t do it!

Instead, have a blast and enjoy your night. Hopefully you do not have to work tomorrow. Call a taxi cab when you are done, have the bartender call one for you, or have a designated driver. Make sure you thank your designated driver for taking care of you and keeping you safe. Watch out for the crazies! You might be fine yourself tonight, but other people will take this opportunity to act as foolish as possible, so be careful!

Thanks again for all of your support! Be well in the New Year, and stay tuned as I’m just getting started with this site!

Mr. Helper